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A laser scan has provided ROBATECH's facility in Znojmo to map out it’s working space

After assessing the space use and as built status of ROBATECH’s newly purchased facility, we used Faro Focus Premium to scan the entire hall, including the administrative offices. Based on the data and documentation provided, a total of 10 information models were created, covering both the architecture and the electrical and mechanical equipment systems (MEP). 

One of the key advantages of this process was the ability to accurately compare the created models with the partial existing documentation. In this way, places where the scanned models of the actual space differed from reality were identified. This detailed analysis allowed the client to gain important insights into the condition of their facility and more accurately define the needs and requirements for future reconstruction in the design and execution phases. 

In addition to the models themselves, basic non-graphical information (e.g., element sorting system) was also included to further enhance the clarity and usefulness of the information obtained from the scan. The colour point cloud, cleaned of ambient noise, and panoramic photographs are currently being used to select the construction contractor. These scans provide the company with comprehensive and accurate data about its facility, allowing it to optimize the contractor selection process. 

Another crucial point of this phase of the project is that all data was submitted in native formats. This means that ROBATECH has full control over its data and can continue to use it in other phases of the project without any loss of quality or accuracy. 

Robatech is a worldwide operating company, headquartered in Muri/AG, Switzerland, developing, producing and servicing sustainable and innovative adhesive application systems for industrial gluing. The company recently purchased the premises in Znojmo, Czech Republic to establish a new production facility. Here, high-quality adhesive melters, application heads, and heated hoses will be assembled and tested. Since Robatech is on a growth path they need more space and more capacity to be able to supply the future demand for products. 

Robatech je celosvětově působící společnost se sídlem v Muri/AG ve Švýcarsku, která vyvíjí, vyrábí a servisuje udržitelné a inovativní systémy pro nanášení lepidel pro průmyslové lepení. Společnost nedávno zakoupila areál ve Znojmě, kde zřídila nový výrobní závod. Zde se budou montovat a testovat vysoce kvalitní tavidla lepidel, aplikační hlavy a vyhřívané hadice. Vzhledem k tomu, že se společnost Robatech rozrůstá, potřebuje větší prostory a větší kapacitu, aby byla schopna v budoucnu uspokojit poptávku po výrobcích. 



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